Jonah was born on 31 August 2006 with bilateral talipes. We just assumed that Jonah was the one in every thousand baby to be born with this condition. What did we know? Jonah sent us down a very different journey to his older brother, Reuben. We started noticing he was different at about 9 months when he still wasn't trying to sit and this is where our journey began.
He was seen by lots of people with a 10 day stay in hospital, performing many tests, all of which showed nothing. This is a path we have been on since then, lots of genetic testing all of which have come back negative Jonah, at present, is very hypotonic, particularly in his trunk, globally delayed, still has ongoing problems with his feet, is now a proud owner of glasses. Still has no speech, unable to sit unsupported although is making good progress in reaching this milestone. He is a very happy little boy and brings many smiles to our faces.